I can highly recommend Rosario.
Rosario was a pleasure to work with and his food was well received by our guests – being both expertly prepared and perfectly presented.
Rosario worked for me as Relief Chef on board Bravado (45m Motor Yacht), where he was responsible for 12 Guests and 11 Crew.
During this time he was a consummate professional and his food preparation and service were immaculate.
He was able to seamlessly integrate with the team onboard at short notice and stepped up to the high demands of the clients.
I can highly recommend Rosario as he would be an asset to any program.
Giornata meravigliosa!
Rosario non solo e’ molto professionale, ma riesce a trasmettere la passione che ha per la cucina a chiunque gli sia intorno. Abbiamo fatto una Cooking Class su pasta all’uovo fatta in casa, in lingua inglese per 10 persone. Rosario si e’giostrato magistralmente tra i commensali. Finita la lezione abbiamo ultimato e gustato le nostre preparazioni, che dire… la pasta era ottima, ma anche gli altri piatti non erano da meno!!
Infine ci ha regalato una delizia che non vi dico per non rovinarvi la sorpresa.
Consigliato senza alcun dubbio.
He’s Amazing!
We spent the week in Italy with friends this Summer and we were recommended Rosario to do some cooking for us. He was outstanding. We were able to select from an extensive menu and had all of our children’s/adults meals cooked for us. I felt like we were dining at top Italian restaurants every night. Not only was his food outstanding but he was also lovely and friendly. The whole party really enjoyed his company and food. Thank you so much! We’ll defiantly be in touch when we are next in Italy 🙂
Rosario is a phenomenal chef.
Rosario is a phenomenal chef. He cooked for us for a week at a villa in Umbria and his meals were the highlight of the holiday. He takes so much care and attention with his cooking, and is truly a man that is passionate about his food. I wouldnt hesitate in recommending him. Grazie, Rosario!

We spent one week in this extraordinary tuscan house, Rosario did the cooking every day.
We loved his dishes! He prepared everything according to our wishes and the children were happy when they had Rosario‘s home made pasta.
Sad enough we have come back to daily business at home after having been spoiled through Rosario so much!
Exquisite food and a delightful culinary experience

Our arrival at the beautiful Villa in Tuscany after a long and windy journey could not have been more perfect, the delicious aromas from the kitchen and Rosario’s smiling face were a wonderful picture within this beautiful setting. The preparations for our five course feast were well under way and Rosario delighted in our interest as he rolled out the freshest pasta – better than the best restaurants in London. And the delights just kept on coming. Despite the many good restaurants visited during our stay we asked him to cook for us again choosing from the extensive menu to suit the vegetarians and other food preferences in our group which he managed with ease, generosity and great panache. Oh – and his family home produced limoncello is fabulous. We couln’t recommend him highly enough.
Сочетание высокой и традиционной итальянской
Сочетание высокой и традиционной итальянской кухни на дому от шеф-повара Rosario Russo, на основе составленного лично вами меню, что может быть лучше? Звучит как рекламный слоган. Скажу вам, это реальность.
Мы с мужем давно организуем ужины с друзьями и знакомыми дома (регион Умбрия, Италия), а не в ресторане. Думаю, ресторан изжил себя.
В этот раз, это был особенный ужин-escape в мир Вкуса и истории блюд из первых уст опытнейшего шефа Rosario Russo.
Все почувствовали себя гурманами, с момента закуски:
нежнейший осьминог, тающий во рту, с хрустящим сельдереем и ароматным картофелем.., до десерта: воздушный крем Шантильи, приготовленный по особому рецепту, со слоеным тестом и лесными ягодами.
Хотелось просто закрыть глаза и остановить время. Вечер понедельника стал настоящей «вкусовой сказкой».
Обычно каждый раз волновалась, как пройдёт ужин. В этот раз я была заранее уверена в успехе. И вы бы видели удивление и восторг гостей, уже в момент подачи блюд. Те сказали, что мы превзошли себя и, шутя, просили пижаму, чтоб остаться.
Спасибо Вам Росарио за Ваши оригинальные рецепты, невероятно вкусные блюда, их гениальное оформление.
А ещё спасибо за мотивацию пробовать готовить, открывать новые страны, вкусы, а также не забывать национальные и семейные традиции.
Superiore abbinamento di alta cucina
Superiore abbinamento di alta cucina e cucina tradizionale italiana, all’interno della propria casa, nella quale viene anche preparata la pasta; oltre a simpatia raffinatezza e cultura, il principale ingrediente di una splendida cena è il signor Rosario. Ottima scelta di materie prime. Sapienti preparazioni. Risultato di sicuro effetto.
Cena di San Valentino

Ho contattato lo Chef Rosario per fare una sorpresa a mia moglie … appassionata di cucina e piuttosto esigente. Ho scelto un menû di pesce particolare e raffinato … lo chef con molta maestria ha saputo gestire perfettamente la cucina ( di certo non preparata perché era appunto una sorpresa) .. e ci ha deliziato con specialità di pesce , pasta fatta a mano e un dolce da leccarsi i baffi. Simpatico e disponibile ci ha svelato anche alcuni trucchi del mestiere . Esperienza consigliatissima per stupire i vostri amici o il vostro partner .
Perfect delicious meals
Rosario has cooked for us for many years. Every meal the food has been seasonal and delicious. He manages to cook food that is not only Italian but inventive at the same time. Rosario listens to your requests and understands all dietary requirements (just look at all the food photos on his website!). He has a wide range of skills from homestyle to more formal. And oh his desserts….
my daughter says his chocolate cake is the “best ever”. I am partial to his homemade sorbetto. I have never had better sorbet than his pompelmo. I highly highly recommend Rosario as a great chef.
Bravo, Rosario!!

During two weeks of work in Tuscany, we had the good fortune of having Chef Rosario cook for a team of 16 people. We were delighted and surprised every day! Rosario prepared a wonderfully varied menu with the freshest ingredients, to suit the palates of meat eaters and vegetarians alike. He would arrive early and share the love and beauty of cooking with all of us. Working while enjoying the aroma of everything he was making made the experience so enjoyable, as well as witnessing the making of every dish from starters to dessert.
Rosario is not only talented at his metier, he is also such a nice man! Friendly and fun, he welcomed us into his kitchen and made it a family affair.
I would highly recommend Chef Rosario!!
Thank you for the unforgettable experience!!
Best wishes,
Nice dinner and professional service.

Recently had the privilege to be invited for dinner at friends place who had hired Chef Rosario. The menu was original, tasty and surprising especially at the end when we had to build our own tiramisu. Chef Rosario adapted his cooking using local products such as a delicious Tataki of red tuna in crispy sesame crust with baked radicchio, among other food items. Thank you Chef Rosario for such a wonderful moment, I would definitely recommend your services.
Molto bravo.

Molto bravo, ho contattato lo chef Rosario per organizzare un pranzo di lavoro, un buffet per 20 persone presso la mia azienda, tutti noi siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti della sua professionalità, cibo ottimo!!. Sicuramente lo contatterò di nuovo in futuro, grazie e complimenti Chef.
Great service!

Rosario cooked for me and my friends for a special birthday and everything was totally fabulous. The food was wonderful, tasted great and very well presented. Thank you so much for a memorable lunch.
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